Special Programs
- Veterans AssistanceVeterans Assistance
- Prison to Employment (P2E)Prison to Employment (P2E)
- Uniquely AbledUniquely Abled
Veterans Assistance
The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board is honored to welcome returning veterans and we wholeheartedly appreciate your commitment and service to our country.
Veterans and eligible spouses are entitled to priority of service, including the full array of employment, training, and placement services available under the priority of service directive. Any applicable eligibility requirements for those programs and services, and in cases of online points of entry, please access assistance via the nearest America’s Job Center of California by clicking the Contact us box to the right of this page and or the box for San Bernardino’s Veteran’s and eligible spouses eligibility and statutory priority criteria below.
Our Board administers federal funding for job training and placement within San Bernardino County. We work closely with the County’s employers to identify the skills they seek in employees and we provide the funds for training to enter those jobs. At the end of training, we help place trainees into a job.
Again, on behalf of all of us, we thank you and are proud of your courage and commitment.

Veteran Testimonial
Peter Andersen, an active 69-year-old veteran with 20 years of experience as a retired probation officer, was determined to work and stay involved with the community. He needed additional help in researching today’s job market and was referred to the WDB for training and Veteran’s Assistance. The WDB provided Peter with personalized case management and career advice. He received job referrals, one-on-one assistance with his resume, attended job search workshops, and was provided with help in obtaining the fingerprinted background check required for many of the positions for which he was applying.
Peter is now successfully employed full-time as a campus monitor at a high school in the Snowline School District. He is especially thankful to the WDB for assistance with computer skills training and for a referral to the Veteran’s Networking Club. Peter said the WDB helped him “…find a realistic career goal that suited my age and physical ability. I am so appreciative of the service I received. I am now able to support my household.”

Prison to Employment (P2E)
The P2E Initiative integrates workforce and re- entry services to connect justice involved individuals who are on active parole/probation and persons formerly incarcerated to high demand employment in the labor market. If you are an Individual seeking transitional employment or services that lead to fulltime employment at livable wages, please contact your nearest AJCC for more details.
Transitional Employment
• Immediate Subsidized Employment (100%)
Direct Job Placement
• Direct Unsubsidized Employment
Vocational Training
• Construction, Logistics, & Manufacturing
On-the-Job Training
• Up to 50% Salary Reimbursement
Career Services
• Resume Development
• Interviewing Skills
• Job Coaching
• Workshops
Support Services
• Transportation Assistance
• Work Clothes
• Tattoo Removal
San Bernardino County Transitional Assistance Department CSEP and CYEP Programs
The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Department (WDD) has collaborated with the Transitional Assistance Department (TAD) to find employment for the participants of the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Welfare-to-Work (WTW). As a result of this collaboration, the following two programs are offered:
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Employment Program (CSEP). CSEP is California’s job readiness and work-experience training program for participants above the age of twenty-five, in the CalWORKs program.
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Youth Employment Program (CYEP). CYEP is California’s job readiness and work-experience training program for participants, ages 16 through 24, in the CalWORKs program.
The objective of both CSEP and CYEP is to offer customers the opportunity to:
- Gain employment experience,
- Improve work skills,
- Maintain current work history, and
- Develop self-sufficiency and contribute to the economic stability of San Bernardino County
If you have additional questions, please contact Jody Goetsch – Jody.Goetsch@hss.sbcounty.gov.
The Uniquely Abled Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinist training program is designed for individuals with autism. The program is a partnership with San Bernardino Valley College, Goodwill of Southern California, Department of Rehabilitation and the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board. A CNC machinist operates equipment that produce parts and tools made from plastic, metal, and other materials. There is a shortage of qualified CNC machinists in the manufacturing sector, and when students complete the Uniquely Abled Academy, they can get matched with jobs paying anywhere from $33,000 to $54,000 annually. This August, Valley College will launch a pilot program providing Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinist training to individuals with autism. This first cohort of eight students will receive on-campus instruction and hands-on work experience using SBVC’s state-of-the-art machinist technology, with San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board later providing job placement. Learn more about the program or to sign up.