Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) Overview
ETPL Introduction and Overview
ETPL Overview Video
Policies and Procedures
The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) is a list of schools (Training Providers) that are approved to receive enrollments that are partially/fully funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Training Providers that are on the ETPL benefit from being on the list, as they can reach a wide audience.
If you are a Training Provider seeking to be added to the ETPL, you must register by creating an account/profile on CalJOBS (https://www.caljobs.ca.gov/vosnet/default.aspx). We will review your registration and verify your eligibility following the ETPL statewide policy and local procedures. Once you are confirmed to be an eligible training provider, you will be able to submit your training programs for the ETPL.
If assistance is required or you have any questions regarding your ETPL application please contact Clarissa Jimenez by email at cjimenez@wdd.sbcounty.gov or telephone 909-387-9835.